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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Zina Services phone repair shop

This phone and tablet repair shop opened in late December 2023.

They're at 11a Eyre Street, just around from Corner Express and opposite Bridie Murphy's - next door to Laptek, and opposite Chat'n'Net internet cafe.

This small shop, previously home to several barbers:   while getting the premises ready, they uncovered some "interesting" sign-writing, as well as giving the place a cheery orange and white paint-job and installing a  full-cover roller-door.

Services include phone and tablet repairs, phone unlocking, phone accessories and buying and selling devices.  They're also acting as a Galway-city agent for Ria money transfer service and MoneyGram cash transfers according to the signs on the windows, although they aren't listed as a location on either company's website as yet.

No social media presence so far.

Phone:   085 755 8482

Several weeks after opening, with the signs up over the door

Eyre Street Phone Repairs?   Looking mysterious in openign week

crooked signwriting for Eyre Street Barber shop
Previously home to the Crooked Barber?

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